What The Harsh Minnesota Winter Means For Your Haircare Regimen
It’s true, Minnesota Winter is really really cold. And what does that mean for your hair health? It means damage! Without proper care, instead of those Goldie Locks, you’ll have Frozen Locks.
As Native Minnesotans, we know how to protect ourselves against Winter’s greatest and coldest challenges. We wrap ourselves in wool and fancy technical fabrics. We use terms like “Thinsulate” and “Gore-tex” in everyday conversation. Heck, we’ve even made puffy down jackets a legitimate fashion category.
We spend thousands to help our bodies make it through these cold, dark months, but what about our hair? For those of us who spend hours at the salon getting our beauty on, we must take proper precautions to protect those locks.
Here’s what we suggest for protecting your hair and keeping it looking healthy during the brutally cold months of Winter.
Our biggest suggestion: never leave the house with wet hair in freezing weather.

It’s science – we don’t make this stuff up!
When water freezes, it expands. So, you can guarantee that when you go outside with wet hair in freezing Minnesota temperatures, your Goldie Locks are going to freeze too.
And what does that really mean for your hair? It means that the exposed wet cuticle will cause your hair to become brittle, dry and damaged.
Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, Health Scientist and author of Hair Care Rehab: The Ultimate Hair Repair & Reconditioning Manual, says in her book:
If your hair freezes, it becomes less pliable and is certainly more vulnerable to breakage. So beyond the obvious discomfort, it’s definitely not a good idea to go out with a wet head in below-freezing temperatures.
Here’s what we suggest to do to save your Goldie Locks from becoming Frozen Locks:
- Keep your hair healthy, strong and protected by using an at-home deep conditioning treatment, such as, Triker Total Advanced Hair Treatment by Alto Bella (retail price – $30 at any Rocco Altobelli Salons location). Using a deep conditioning treatment will help seal the cuticle layer giving your hair more durability and making it be less-prone to breakage from freezing temps.
- Dry, dry, dry! The best way to protect your locks from the weather is by preventing it all together and making sure it is completely dry before heading into the frozen tundra, known as Minnesota.
- If blow-drying or air-drying is not an option, take the advice of Audrey and, “Protect your hair with proper winter gear.” Cover your hair with a warm hat or wrap it up in a scarf so it is completely protected from the harsh Minnesota weather.
Rocco Altobelli Salons cares about you and your hair. We hope you have a fantastic Holiday and Extended Winter season, and please, next time, we hope you think twice before you plan on going outside in freezing weather with wet hair. So, be Goldie Locks, not Frozen Locks.
OFFER: Mention keyword FROZEN LOCKS to your Guest Coordinators to add a complimentary blow comb service with your first color appointment
- Offer valid through March 31, 2018
- One offer per person
- Offer valid only in combination with color services
- Offer valid with select operators